Read the refs reaction after child bites his testicle + 3-sided football, a MEGA sports hub, unseen women's volleyball jersey & more.
🇨🇦🇺🇸 / 🇮🇳🇵🇰 - Yankees finally lift their beard ban, a 29-year-old wins 100 World Cup games, a renaissance-inspired kit and people kayaking to collect baseball balls + 12 sporting events this week.
Yeah, thought so. Well, this week's athlete has played FOUR sports at the pro level + check out an almost burnt-out 17-year-old, a track record broken by less than a second, a Lithuanian venue & more.
Drake fans don't look. Kidding, check out the referee crisis in youth sports, a fun variation of squash, a clean white rugby jersey, a disabled athlete who completed 7 marathons in 7 days + more.
With the Super Bowl coming up let’s take a look at one of the coldest NFL uniforms & a variation of American Football (on ice) + check out this blind rock climber, a scintillating venue & lots of fun news.
Enter the world of Pesäpallo with their beautiful venues, sponsor-filled uniforms, and get to know their inventor who has played in two Olympics + read the hot news from this week.
Check out this popular hybrid sport of the week, a ski jumping controversy, a fan who left his car in gear, a clean cricket fit & emerging sports stats.
Find out the most-streamed and most-searched sports of 2024, a new version of swimming, a jaw-dropping venue in Norway and a football player who's got the sport in his genes!
Check out the new sport of the week, a 55-year-old who ran a marathon 366 times last year, a 48-hour desert race, and a 17-year-old darts world champion. Check it out.
Check out the can't-miss numbers behind the Christmas & Boxing day fixtures + get info on snowball fighting league, Christmas football jersey, the NFL-Netflix deal, the darts arena & more.
Paddle sports grow ever so fast while two 18-year-olds emerge world champions in their respective disciplines + check out the most beautiful kit of the week yet & more.
Also uncover this weeks Penguins kit, an athlete who holds 13 world records, and the latest chess world championship results.